Wednesday, October 7, 2020

April 19th, 1861, the Battle of Baltimore


  • Today marks the occasion of the second battle of the Civil War, when people in Baltimore fired on Union troops on their way to Washington, DC.


    We must, _must_, end the current radicalization of our national political process, and throttle back the extremist rhetoric, before we come to such a situation again. We must never again allow a situation in which American fires on American in the name of politics. Let us all, Right, Left, and Center, be Americans together.

    • Dana A. Snowden What?!!! You're telling me that I was raised in a semi-Confederate state??!!! Dad-gum-it! Ah was ray-sed heah, and by gum, Ah'm gunna die heah! Ain't no hawn-swogglin', sidewindin', bushwhackin' cracker croaker gunna ruin my biscuit cuttah! Rrrrr rar rrrr... (That was Gabby Johnson from "Blazing Saddles"... LMAO)

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