Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Ika's Song


    I'm putting this into a note so it will stick around where I can find it.  


    I'm not into fancy cars,
    I don't mind that my bed is small,
    I don't care that our house isn't a mansion,
    It's a home we need, after all.

    I don't jump to buy the latest,
    In gadgets, trends or fashion,
    But I'd jump at the chance to live,
    A life that is filled with passion.

    To pursue money and all its glory,
    Seems moot when you want to compare,
    A life filled with love and laughter,
    And the adventures waiting out there.

    I don't care for diamond rings,
    Or jewels of silver and gold,
    But I'd love to see the world,
    And travel til I grow old.


    Shana, I can hear this set to something in 3/4 time, but I'm not musician enough to make anything of it, and you are.  Ika has said that she'd be happy if someone could make a song out of it.  From what I can see, it needs a chorus and a bridge, and it might be something Jimmy Buffet-ish. 


  • Alan Petrillo Just to make sure, I'm bringing in my old friend Shana Smith on this, and you two should be friends.

  • Alan Petrillo Well, after all, she was nominated for a Grammy. :-)

  • Ika Nurain Koeck WOW O_O I'm honored, Alan, thank you :D I was seriously just joking about the song thing lol. I didn't realize :) Thank you

  • Shana Banana
    Shana Banana
  • Alan Petrillo Jason A Brennan: Any chance you could do something with this?
  • Alan Petrillo Robert Humphreys: Maybe you could do something with it? Guitar-folk-ish?

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