Thursday, October 8, 2020

Recreational Outrage Echo Chambers


    I have been asked what makes a recreational outrage echo chamber "besides something that pisses you off."  And I'll be the first to say that "I know it when I see it" is not a good answer. 

    What characteristics are common to all recreational outrage echo chambers? 

    1. Identification with a controversial subject or cause. 

    2. Extreme advocacy of one side of that controversial subject or cause. 

    3. All members of the group are expected to have the same opinion on the subject. 

    4. Deviation from the group gestalt, no matter how minor, will be dealt with harshly, often with ad-hominem attacks, personal insults, name-calling, and sometimes threats from group members, as well as threats of excommunication from the group by group administrators. 

    5. Group members constantly post items that outrage them, and receive positive feedback from other group members who are outraged in the same way. 

    6. Group members provide positive feedback to other members who post items for them to get outraged at, when it fits with the group gestalt. 

    I think that about covers it. 


  • Robert Luis Rabello This sounds like the kind of place where certain members of my family would feel quite comfortable . . . ;)

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